Kamal Khawaja Building Contracting: FirstBit ERP Case Study - Firstbit Blog
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How Kamal Khawaja Building Contracting Automated All HR Activities with FirstBit ERP


How Kamal Khawaja Building Contracting Automated All HR Activities with FirstBit ERP

Published 7 Sep 2023
Kamal Khawaja Building Contracting LLC is a contracting and building company with the aim to make the UAE beautiful and secure for the future. They ensure that their health and safety policies adhere to the legislation. Their goal is to build residential and commercial spaces as per new and improved technology and standards. They also make sure the final cost of the project does not exceed the estimated cost. They work to make the future better and build homes instead of houses as they believe a project is not just a project but a dream and future for the client.
Dubai, UAE

Project Goals and Tasks

Automating the activities of the HR department
Reducing manual workload
Creating customized reports as per needs
Eliminating human errors
Speeding up the activities
Monitoring absences and generating reports
Knowing the cost of laborers for each project
Managing attendances
Detecting mistakes by rejecting time cards that overlap with the timings
Keeping the record of all leaves, resignations and terminations

Project Description

KKC LLC is using the HR module of FirstBit ERP, and they are now able to solve many problems in the HR department. A list of advantages of FirstBit ERP enjoyed by Kamal Khawaja Building Contracting Company LLC.
The workload is minimized.
Most of the tasks are automated.
They have saved time and resources.
Leaves, resignations and terminations are appropriately managed, and the human workforce is managed efficiently.
Reports are generated as per requirements and needs.
They can easily keep track of absences.
The FirstBit ERP helped them in detecting mistakes in timecards.
Laborers of each project are managed better without human errors.

Why Kamal Khawaja Building Contracting LLC chose FirstBit?

Customization. KKC selected FirstBit ERP because they wanted software customized according to their needs as they believe the activities in a contracting and building company are complex.
Keeping track of activities in the HR department with no human errors. They chose FirstBit ERP to ensure that all HR department's activities are appropriately recorded without any mistakes.
Detecting Mistakes in Timecards. They wanted to detect mistakes in the timecards, which is a custom task and other diverse HR department activities, so they chose FirstBit ERP.

Project Outcomes

The company has received the following benefits from FirstBit ERP:
The company is now able to save resources and time, which was not possible before.

It is successfully keeping records of absences.
The company is managing the human workforce efficiently as they can keep a record of the attendance of staff.

Human errors are minimized due to automated tasks.
Reports are generated as per needs and requirements.
The timesheet is prepared without any error.
FirstBit ERP software is beneficial for contracting companies as it can be customized according to the company's needs. We are using it for the HR module, and it is really useful in this department. Almost all the activities are automated, and manual work is minimized. As a result, resources are managed well, and time is saved too. In addition, it also helps in generating reports which is one of the most important jobs of this HR department. Laborers can be managed efficiently for each project and help in eliminating human errors. As mentioned earlier, this system is flexible for generating customized reports like checking absences. Apart from the FirstBit ERP, FirstBit team remained helpful and resolved our issues whenever we raised tickets.
Rashid Khawaja
Manager/HR at Kamal Khawaja Building Contracting LLC


KKC LLC is satisfied with the performance of FirstBit ERP, and they would recommend this system to contracting and building companies as it is an amazing software to match the complexity of this industry.
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